
Bathroom at Prisoner Camp


“American military-style public lavatory”

We dug a hole in the ground approximately 3 feet, 12 feet long, and 9 feet deep in the ground, and placed a board across it, and this became our bathroom. Three of these bathrooms were used by 500 people for approximately 3 months. When the pile got to be about 2~3 feet from the top, we buried it. We spray DDT everyday, so there were no flies to be seen. Except for the skin diseases that were transmitted, this place is pretty sanitary.
However, wiping one’s ass in front of people is unsightly. The women’s public lavatories are the same. It was said that there is always an outbreak of flies and mosquitos wherever Japanese military are stationed, but there is something to be said about the advanced preventive and public health medicines practiced by the Americans.

“The only thing that comes out is piss and us going out to the field”

“Keep calm and don’t miss the target”

“We haven’t been eating very much, so I haven’t had to shit for 4 days.”

“Let’s keep it clean and put down the lid”

“Me too”

“For a POW bathroom, the lighting in here’s not that bad.”

c3-19The only thing the POWs can use to our heart’s content is water and soap in the shower.
In Leyte and Calamban, we had a water shortage, but at the #12 Work Camp, we have plenty of good water.
Once we wash off the day’s fatigue, sweat, and dirt, our bodies finally become our own.

In this bath house, approximately one out of every 10 people has been wounded by guns and cannons

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